After shopping by price, Buyers also evaluate the neighborhood where their future home is located, determining how safe it is, how close they are to schools, etc. After Price, and Safety, comes the Home's Condition.
Buyer's needs have been redefined. Buyers have modified their Needs and Wants and are asking themselves, "Do I really need a 4 bedroom home, when a 2 or 3 bedroom home will do? Do I need a pool? What do I really need? And what do I really want?"
As Buyers have evolved, Realtors must be in line with these Buyer patterns. Marketing strategies must be reevaluated and must be aggressive. Below are some fast facts according to research gathered by the NAR (National Association of Realtors):
- 56% of new home buyers are considering/seeking a foreclosure or short sale as their new home.
- 63% of new home buyers are considering a fixer-upper or "as-is" condition of a home.
- 68% of new home buyers think it's better to buy now than it was 6 months ago, and that they anticipate a further drop in real estate prices. This may indicate buyers are waiting a little longer before making their home purchase.
"Price, Price" may be this year's "Location, Location".
Tampa Bay Realtor Kenny Hayslett of the Hayslett Team monitors the ever-changing real estate market and has one of the most aggressive internet real estate advertising campaigns in the area. His ability to interpret the market day by day has resulted in the smooth and efficient sale of 13 properties this year, and 71 properties sold last year in 2008.
You can reach the Hayslett Team at 727.443.6700, or by visiting the Hayslett Team website at www.HayslettTeam.com.
Tampa Bay Realtor Kenny Hayslett of the Hayslett Team monitors the ever-changing real estate market and has one of the most aggressive internet real estate advertising campaigns in the area. His ability to interpret the market day by day has resulted in the smooth and efficient sale of 13 properties this year, and 71 properties sold last year in 2008.
You can reach the Hayslett Team at 727.443.6700, or by visiting the Hayslett Team website at www.HayslettTeam.com.